That's right. J and I have been officially unemployed for 60 days.
How does it feel?, you may wonder. That would be so nice., you may think.
Contrary to what I thought at Day 1, the time has not been all relaxation. Most of the time when I otherwise should have been "relaxing," I usually felt a sense of anxiety. Not at first, but gradually as the days went on, there was a definite sense that I should be doing something.
Some people are great at keeping themselves busy... One lesson this 60 days has taught me is that I am not (great at keeping myself busy). By busy, I mean productive. Sure, I finished about 7, 8, 9 seasons of various TV shows (who's counting?). Sure, I got to know our neighborhood parks, grocery stores, and thrift shops. Sure, I made delicious meals from Gwyneth's new book. Other than those tiddlywinks, I was pretty much idle.
I did find a great lamp at a thrift store... $10! The column is Dresden crystal, from West Germany. I don't think it's anything super rare or expensive, but I thought the crystal was beautiful. I can't find much information about it. We have mostly "silver"/stainless steel hardware in our house, so I'm thinking of getting a new base and "lamp kit" to match. What do you guys think? Currently, the hardware is brass. I lifted this picture off Etsy, and mine didn't come with a lampshade. Also taking suggestions on that!
So anyway - back to what I was saying. The point I was trying to get at is that two months off may sounds verrry appealing, but all in all, unless you have some major vacation planned - two months off is a LOT of time to do nothing. And starting tomorrow - my nothing time is o-v-e-r. I start my job!
I am taking the bus in - yea public transportation! I will have a full day of introductions and training and security badge pictures. A wonderful end to my last two months of nothing.
I'll remind myself to read this post when I'm about six months into it, during month- or quarter- or whatever-end close - slaving away over a sub-ledger on a Saturday at 4:00pm.
Wish me luck!
You could spray paint the brass with Rustoleum- oil rubbed bronze and then replace the shade with a drum shade and BABOOM!