Friday, August 12, 2011
Now Accepting Donations
American Red Cross calls me at least twice/week to donate blood. I've got a good blood type. Anyway, they drive me crazy, but I usually ignore their phone calls - unless they switch the number up on me (which does happen). They leave me this very sweet plea, asking for a blood donation, telling me the closest center and donation hours, and how I can help save lives... layin' it on thick!
So they leave this voice mail, and I've got Google Voice - so I receive #1! The missed call and voice mail, #2! A text, translating the voice mail , and #3! An e-mail notifying me of the Google voice message. OhMg - how many different ways can you make me feel guilty AND annoyed?
ANYWAY - My point is... I would probably respond to the voice mail a heck of a lot quicker if they yelled at me, and said, "Hello, Kourtini. This is Becky from the American Red Cross, and I was calling today to tell you what a horrible person you are. I hope you know that. Your blood could be saving babies' lives, and all you're doing is sitting around, writing a blog. Eating Triscuits." I mean, someone should really tell them to get a little aggressive. Switch it up. We're in a recession - people respond to that kind of stuff.
[Don't read this if needles make you queasy: I may be a terrible person for not donating as frequently as I can; however, last time I donated, the guy forgot one of the most important steps! I was done and he pulled the needle out, and then had to stick another one right back in to get my test vials filled. Oops upside your arm! It was awful. And with all this heat, I am also worried about fallin out. I know, excuses, excuses.]
Well. I think I've sufficiently guilted myself into going and donating. Persistence pays off, Becky.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The Best Part of My Day (v1)
I should have really called this the best partS of my day:
1) Waking up to a very sweet message from an old friend.
2) YOGA!!!
3) AC/DC's Back in Black, windows down, disturbing the peace, on the way home from YOGA!!!
4) Walking in the door to my smiling boyfriend and my sweet sweet puppy
5) That the best is yet to come - going to celebrate a friend's 25th and eat some cake!
My oh my, how the blessings add up when you pause for a moment to consider them.
Namaste, Y'all!!!
PS - That dot on my shirt, right by my arm pit, is not deo. It's camera trickery. I think. Either that, or I sweat in a perfect circle.
1) Waking up to a very sweet message from an old friend.
2) YOGA!!!
3) AC/DC's Back in Black, windows down, disturbing the peace, on the way home from YOGA!!!
4) Walking in the door to my smiling boyfriend and my sweet sweet puppy
5) That the best is yet to come - going to celebrate a friend's 25th and eat some cake!
My oh my, how the blessings add up when you pause for a moment to consider them.
Namaste, Y'all!!!
PS - That dot on my shirt, right by my arm pit, is not deo. It's camera trickery. I think. Either that, or I sweat in a perfect circle.
I would like everyone to just take a minute and think about their mailman.
What did you think? Probably that you don't know much, or have never thought about your mailman (or woman) before. Maybe you pondered that postpeople don't get much glory these days, with the advent of the internet. They are usually bringing bills or junk mail, neither of which people generally look forward to. Postpeople used to have the glory of bringing magazines, but those too are quickly getting snatched from their fingertips. These days, the most a postperson has to look forward to is bringing the occasional J. Crew or L.L. Bean catalog to someone's doorstep. Maybe a Better Homes and Gardens, if they're lucky.
Also - how do Postpeople express themselves? Imagine now how bored you feel putting on the same dockers every day and the same cardigan/earring combo every other week. Bored and boring. They wear the same gear, day in and day out. I saw a mailwoman today with diamond stars in her ears, and I thought, "You glow girl. Express yo'self."
Sunny, our dog, has our mailmen trained pretty well, if she does say so herself. We're very fortunate to usually have someone at home spending time with her whenever the mailperson comes for the day. Sunny's first mailman gave her treats every day, so as you can imagine, when the white truck with the blue eagle on it pulls up, Sunny can barely contain her excitement. Our current mailman calls her by name, and is usually pretty excited to see her - an affection that's always returned on Sunny's end.
He even knows me by name, and I was definitely feeling bad about not remembering his. Until Justin reminded me that he has a home field advantage in that he delivers letters addressed to me, with my name on them, on the daily. WHATever.
About two weeks ago, we found out said mailman fainted from a heat stroke. The following week, our fill-in mailman informed us that our regular mailman likes to sip from the hip in the evenings, and doesn't hydrate in the mornings. (Or wear a hat to cover his bald head, for that matter. Mm hmm.) [Mailmen looove to share.] With temperatures in the holy-hell range lately, it was no wonder he couldn't make it through his route. We missed him, as did Sunny, and I'm happy to report he was back on the track today - 5 frozen water bottles in tow, and a wide-brimmed hat on his head.
So remember, when your 25-minute commute or the sweat on your upper lip gets you down - there's a mailperson out there with a smile on their face, a dog biscuit in their pocket, and a Money Mailer in their sweaty little palm... just cruising through the neighborhood, making people smile.
What did you think? Probably that you don't know much, or have never thought about your mailman (or woman) before. Maybe you pondered that postpeople don't get much glory these days, with the advent of the internet. They are usually bringing bills or junk mail, neither of which people generally look forward to. Postpeople used to have the glory of bringing magazines, but those too are quickly getting snatched from their fingertips. These days, the most a postperson has to look forward to is bringing the occasional J. Crew or L.L. Bean catalog to someone's doorstep. Maybe a Better Homes and Gardens, if they're lucky.
Also - how do Postpeople express themselves? Imagine now how bored you feel putting on the same dockers every day and the same cardigan/earring combo every other week. Bored and boring. They wear the same gear, day in and day out. I saw a mailwoman today with diamond stars in her ears, and I thought, "You glow girl. Express yo'self."
Sunny, our dog, has our mailmen trained pretty well, if she does say so herself. We're very fortunate to usually have someone at home spending time with her whenever the mailperson comes for the day. Sunny's first mailman gave her treats every day, so as you can imagine, when the white truck with the blue eagle on it pulls up, Sunny can barely contain her excitement. Our current mailman calls her by name, and is usually pretty excited to see her - an affection that's always returned on Sunny's end.
He even knows me by name, and I was definitely feeling bad about not remembering his. Until Justin reminded me that he has a home field advantage in that he delivers letters addressed to me, with my name on them, on the daily. WHATever.
About two weeks ago, we found out said mailman fainted from a heat stroke. The following week, our fill-in mailman informed us that our regular mailman likes to sip from the hip in the evenings, and doesn't hydrate in the mornings. (Or wear a hat to cover his bald head, for that matter. Mm hmm.) [Mailmen looove to share.] With temperatures in the holy-hell range lately, it was no wonder he couldn't make it through his route. We missed him, as did Sunny, and I'm happy to report he was back on the track today - 5 frozen water bottles in tow, and a wide-brimmed hat on his head.
So remember, when your 25-minute commute or the sweat on your upper lip gets you down - there's a mailperson out there with a smile on their face, a dog biscuit in their pocket, and a Money Mailer in their sweaty little palm... just cruising through the neighborhood, making people smile.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
The von Rundstedts
Recently, my Grandparents were in town from the great state of Ohio. For those of you who don’t know me that well (or maybe for those of you who do), the majority of my family is from Ohio. Both of my parents and both of sets of Grandparents have called Ohio home; although, my parents met in NC. I still have lots of aunts, uncles, and cousins scattered throughout Amish country. So watch it before you make snarky remarks about the Buckeyes, or pick on a really tan person from “up north”… that’s probably my Grandma Sharon. And Ohio is not really “up north,” even though it IS above the line. Anyway, enough about those people.
I hope they had as wonderful a time with us as I did with them. We kicked off their visit with a true Rundt-Style get together (there really is no other word to describe it), complete with Skin-so-Soft Oil doubling as bug repellant (wth, Mom?), croquet, awkward new relationships, and a wide variety of thirst-quenchers – perfect fit for a sticky Southern day in the country. I mean, only good things can come out of that combo, right?
All in all, the get together was a success. Only a couple of “incidents,” one of which may will be a part of Rundt family lore forever. I can’t tell you about it though; it’s a family secret. Unless we're friends, and you don't judge - then you may be able to coax it out of me. My sister, Chelsi, did have a frog land on her chest while we were having a slumber party in the living room. That was fun.
We ended their visit with a visit to a local BBQ place. It was packed, as usual, but we were seated quickly and service was good, as usual. A couple of Abitas later and I was very sad to say goodbye. Back to Ohio they must go.
Anyway, all of this rambling has a point – my Grandparents are pretty cool people. They are both retired and golf five days a week (they “don’t golf on weekends. It’s too crowded.” Obv.). Grandma Sharon is pushing 71 and shoots under 90. I barely know the significance of that, but it impresses Justin.
After their daily round, they hang out at their condo pool for the rest of the afternoon (hence the killer tans), watch the news and whatever else 70-year olds watch in the evening, and their sweet little grey heads hit the pillow at 9:00pm every night. My Grandfather’s nickname around their pool is Cabana Boy [awesome]… upon the revelation of which, he grins sheepishly and grabs me another beer from the kitchen.
After their daily round, they hang out at their condo pool for the rest of the afternoon (hence the killer tans), watch the news and whatever else 70-year olds watch in the evening, and their sweet little grey heads hit the pillow at 9:00pm every night. My Grandfather’s nickname around their pool is Cabana Boy [awesome]… upon the revelation of which, he grins sheepishly and grabs me another beer from the kitchen.
They are season ticket holders for Ohio State football. My 77ish-year-old Grandfather doesn’t miss a game and tailgates EVERY Saturday during football season. He and his buddies may have invented kegs and eggs. My Grandmother drinks wine by the box, and usually out of a repurposed water bottle. It’s just that good. This fall, they will have been married 53 long years, and they still hold hands and call each other Dear.
Sometimes, it’s hard to stop myself from putting people into a mental bucket. A la, This person is my Grandmother. Grandmothers are supposed to make delicious homemade biscuits, give you Bath and Body Works stuff for Christmas, and rub your back when you’re standing next to them. All of that is very nice, don’t get me wrong, but it’s also very nice to get to know Sharon... to imagine my Grandfather as Cabana Boy, fetching drinks for the foxy ladies by the pool. I can't even think that with a serious face.
I guess it has dawned on me how truly blessed I am to have so many special people in my life, and how enlightening it can be to see a loved one through a fresh/different set of eyes. Give it a whirl, you may not know someone as well as you think you do. They may not like hanging out in your mental bucket.
[On side note – I’ve gotten more than one Groupon e-mail for a Segway tour in my hometown. Yes, please. I would love to pay to cruise effortlessly around my hometown on two wheels, all while looking like a huge dork extremely modern and hip. Does anyone have a helmet I can borrow? I prefer the extra pointy kind.]
Monday, August 1, 2011
Milestone Time - 1st House!
Hello Friends - No... Justin and I are not buying our first home. But I do have thoughts on the subject, surprise surprise.
Our neighbors have recently put their home on the market. When I realized they were selling their home, several thoughts and questions dawned on me all at once:
1) When you're buying a home - how do you get a feel for the neighborhood? Are the [future] neighbors a good reason not to buy a home? My first thought to that is, "Heck yes." If I pulled up to a potential home and found out the neighbors were renters with nappy grass and a hundred-pound dog... I would be a little disappointed. Mark that off in the 'con' column.
2) Pretty sure they wouldn't get their asking price from this girl.
3) No wonder they have been cleaning it up lately.
4) I wonder if one of the reasons they are leaving is because they don't like living next to us.
5) What are my top "wants" for my first home? Justin loves real estate, so this has been a heavily discussed topic in our house. Top 8:
I. Large, fenced in backyard
II. Cool, safe 'hood
III. Front porch
IV. Bay window in the front
V. Within walking distance to a park
VI. Fireplace
VII. Lots of natural light
VIII. Space for a bomb shelter.
That's all I can think of right now. I'm sure Justin would have plenty more to add.
Luckily, we won't be in the market for a new home anytime soon, so I have some more time to think about it. I also have to imagine there will be a little bit of being happy with what we can afford. If Justin has his way, we'll be purchasing a foreclosure about 45 minutes out, on 4 acres, with lots of potential.
Pretty sure most foreclosures don't come with decent bomb shelters, so we'll have to build one. At least then we can add our own special touches. Like a water bed and a swinging bench. Then when all hell breaks loose, you can come crash. BYOB.
BTW - The neighbors sold their house within 2 weeks. 4 offers. Wowza.
Our neighbors have recently put their home on the market. When I realized they were selling their home, several thoughts and questions dawned on me all at once:
1) When you're buying a home - how do you get a feel for the neighborhood? Are the [future] neighbors a good reason not to buy a home? My first thought to that is, "Heck yes." If I pulled up to a potential home and found out the neighbors were renters with nappy grass and a hundred-pound dog... I would be a little disappointed. Mark that off in the 'con' column.
2) Pretty sure they wouldn't get their asking price from this girl.
3) No wonder they have been cleaning it up lately.
4) I wonder if one of the reasons they are leaving is because they don't like living next to us.
5) What are my top "wants" for my first home? Justin loves real estate, so this has been a heavily discussed topic in our house. Top 8:
I. Large, fenced in backyard
II. Cool, safe 'hood
III. Front porch
IV. Bay window in the front
V. Within walking distance to a park
VI. Fireplace
VII. Lots of natural light
VIII. Space for a bomb shelter.
That's all I can think of right now. I'm sure Justin would have plenty more to add.
Luckily, we won't be in the market for a new home anytime soon, so I have some more time to think about it. I also have to imagine there will be a little bit of being happy with what we can afford. If Justin has his way, we'll be purchasing a foreclosure about 45 minutes out, on 4 acres, with lots of potential.
Pretty sure most foreclosures don't come with decent bomb shelters, so we'll have to build one. At least then we can add our own special touches. Like a water bed and a swinging bench. Then when all hell breaks loose, you can come crash. BYOB.
BTW - The neighbors sold their house within 2 weeks. 4 offers. Wowza.
Friday, July 29, 2011
My Very First Post
Year's from now when I look back on this post, I will think to myself, "Ah... my very first post." Written in the dining room of my rental. With my sweet dog, Sunny, whining to go outside. Either that or she's spotted a toy just out of her reach. Sometimes, I like to pretend we're in the wild and this is a tricky hunting game. She usually plays along and either a) devises a solution to get the toy herself, or b) gives up and lays down. Either way usually works for me.
Anyway, enough about us. So, I am very excited about this post... I love to read friend's blogs and I love to read stranger's blogs, so I figured, "Hey - I'll restart a blog!" I know, what a novel idea, right?
This is my second attempt at a blog. My first one, about a year ago, was entitled Musings of a Know-it-all. Lame from the start. I couldn't even figure out how know-it-all should be capitalized. And besides that, know-it-alls don't muse. They can usually be found over-sharing in a loud voice with someone. The nail on that blog's coffin was my friend, Laura, telling me that her first impression of me (via phone call - not in person) (no, it wasn't some strange internet liaison) was that of an opinionated fat girl. Musings was borderline, and I would hate to make that 1st impression twice in my life. Besides, no one really likes to hang out with a know-it-all anyway.
I like blogs... you can keep up with people without talking to them. You just read about their lives and leave the occasional comment. What else am I going to do for 10 minutes on my brain breaks at work? Don't get me wrong... I generally like people, and I love my friends. I'm just not very good at "keeping in touch." That's why I've got high hopes for this blog. I can reach out and touch ya!
Also, I have all these strange things going on up top. I'd like to talk about them, and I don't really have an audience except for Justin (my boyfriend), and I feel sorry for him sometimes - having to listen to me ramble all the time. That's another great quality of a blog! I can ramble through multiple posts and just save them up to post on nights when the dinner recipe is particularly complicated, or on the off-chance I have something better to do.
So there you have it. Blog started. This post is getting a little long... and weird. I usually prefer to read shorter posts so I can get through them before I get caught. Weird posts don't really bother me, though.
P.S. Sunny is maxed out at my feet. Life is good.
Well That was an Ordeal.
I'd like to just start out this post by saying that I am a very fortunate young lady. And I have peanut butter on my D key. No matter.
I recently lost a very expensive key to my car, which I had made about two years ago for around $150. Damn! I know, right? Anyway... I've been driving Justin's car for about two weeks, and I finally decided, enough is enough. I can only feel paranoid about losing HIS keys for so long.
I got a quote from the dealership to replace the key. Of course, nothing has changed, and the key is around $95, $10 to cut, and $46.50 to program it (whatever that means). Not to mention the $50 AAA membership fee so I can have my car towed to the dealership because it's immobilized. Wowza.
After a little online shopping, I found keys for $40 each. Bought two so I will hopefully never be in this situation again. The keys came with instructions on how to program them myself, but of course that didn't work. Did I mention I still had to get them cut before attempting to program them? Yes. One very annoying trip to the dealership later, and I'm sitting in my car (whilst it's 100 degrees out, mind you) pulling up the break leaver five times, then cutting the car off, back on, pulling the leaver two times, etc. so that I can "activate" my car and drive it back to the dealership to have it officially programmed. Really?
Anyway, I get there and the service guys are great, as usual. I walk out with $50 programming charge, and two shiny new keys. Currently choosing a state of denial regarding the $1500 in recommended preventative maintenance. Does life ever get easier... or less expensive?
The point of all this is to tell you that I'm a genius. I spent approx. $150 for two keys instead of just one. When considering my genius status, please ignore the fact that I lost the $150 key in the first place. No matter.
I recently lost a very expensive key to my car, which I had made about two years ago for around $150. Damn! I know, right? Anyway... I've been driving Justin's car for about two weeks, and I finally decided, enough is enough. I can only feel paranoid about losing HIS keys for so long.
I got a quote from the dealership to replace the key. Of course, nothing has changed, and the key is around $95, $10 to cut, and $46.50 to program it (whatever that means). Not to mention the $50 AAA membership fee so I can have my car towed to the dealership because it's immobilized. Wowza.
After a little online shopping, I found keys for $40 each. Bought two so I will hopefully never be in this situation again. The keys came with instructions on how to program them myself, but of course that didn't work. Did I mention I still had to get them cut before attempting to program them? Yes. One very annoying trip to the dealership later, and I'm sitting in my car (whilst it's 100 degrees out, mind you) pulling up the break leaver five times, then cutting the car off, back on, pulling the leaver two times, etc. so that I can "activate" my car and drive it back to the dealership to have it officially programmed. Really?
Anyway, I get there and the service guys are great, as usual. I walk out with $50 programming charge, and two shiny new keys. Currently choosing a state of denial regarding the $1500 in recommended preventative maintenance. Does life ever get easier... or less expensive?
The point of all this is to tell you that I'm a genius. I spent approx. $150 for two keys instead of just one. When considering my genius status, please ignore the fact that I lost the $150 key in the first place. No matter.
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