Year's from now when I look back on this post, I will think to myself, "Ah... my very first post." Written in the dining room of my rental. With my sweet dog, Sunny, whining to go outside. Either that or she's spotted a toy just out of her reach. Sometimes, I like to pretend we're in the wild and this is a tricky hunting game. She usually plays along and either a) devises a solution to get the toy herself, or b) gives up and lays down. Either way usually works for me.
Anyway, enough about us. So, I am very excited about this post... I love to read friend's blogs and I love to read stranger's blogs, so I figured, "Hey - I'll restart a blog!" I know, what a novel idea, right?
This is my second attempt at a blog. My first one, about a year ago, was entitled Musings of a Know-it-all. Lame from the start. I couldn't even figure out how know-it-all should be capitalized. And besides that, know-it-alls don't muse. They can usually be found over-sharing in a loud voice with someone. The nail on that blog's coffin was my friend, Laura, telling me that her first impression of me (via phone call - not in person) (no, it wasn't some strange internet liaison) was that of an opinionated fat girl. Musings was borderline, and I would hate to make that 1st impression twice in my life. Besides, no one really likes to hang out with a know-it-all anyway.
I like blogs... you can keep up with people without talking to them. You just read about their lives and leave the occasional comment. What else am I going to do for 10 minutes on my brain breaks at work? Don't get me wrong... I generally like people, and I love my friends. I'm just not very good at "keeping in touch." That's why I've got high hopes for this blog. I can reach out and touch ya!
Also, I have all these strange things going on up top. I'd like to talk about them, and I don't really have an audience except for Justin (my boyfriend), and I feel sorry for him sometimes - having to listen to me ramble all the time. That's another great quality of a blog! I can ramble through multiple posts and just save them up to post on nights when the dinner recipe is particularly complicated, or on the off-chance I have something better to do.
So there you have it. Blog started. This post is getting a little long... and weird. I usually prefer to read shorter posts so I can get through them before I get caught. Weird posts don't really bother me, though.
P.S. Sunny is maxed out at my feet. Life is good.