My Aunt Deb is an artist. For as long as my childhood memory extends, Aunt Deb created her own Christmas cards for her and my Uncle Steve, which I loved receiving each year. The cards normally featured their pets in strange, humorous situations. One year for Christmas, our family received a card featuring a drawing of their dog and cat, hitched to a sleigh with a sign attached reading “Colorado or bust!” My Aunt and Uncle were following their hearts to Colorado that year, apparently being towed in a sleigh by their pets. That card has always stuck with me…
NEWS FLASH - Justin and I are taking a page out of their book and doing the same. Yesterday marked the last day at our jobs, and we are leaving for Colorado late July. Surprise! Colorado or bust!!!
So to answer the basic questions we’ve been getting:
- We're planning to live downtown in the Mile High City... Denver!
- No, we don’t have an apartment lined up. (Working on that.)
- No, we don’t have jobs lined up. (Working on that.)
- Yes, we have personal reasons for going out there. (Adventure counts, right?)
- Yes, we want an adventure before we settle down to a mortgage and children and the whole ‘adult’ thing, which we’re so talented at delaying. Gotta be good at something, right?
- Yes, Sunny is coming with us. Poor thing has been so anxious all of June as she watches us pack up the only home she’s ever known. Most mornings when I walk out to my car, she runs ahead of me and stands by the car door, as if to say, “You’re not leaving me!!”
- Annnd last but not least, why Denver? Because, OK?! Geez. :)